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- From: Olav Phillips <phylo@pacbell.net>
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.conspiracy.area51
- Subject: Re: Nick Humphries, brainless jackoff
- Date: Fri, 07 Jun 1996 15:05:52 -0700
- Organization: Pacific Bell Internet Services
- Lines: 48
- Message-ID: <31B8A7C0.1641@pacbell.net>
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- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.visitors:85850 alt.paranet.ufo:52062 alt.conspiracy.area51:10985
- You know I was thinking, there is one thing far more destructive to the
- real research of ufo's then any kind of government agent. That would be
- the fractionized in-fighting so appearent within places such as this<ie.
- news groups>. With out a doubt I have never seen some much name calling
- and bullshit in my life, all this over things we can't prove any way. I
- believe in UFO's, hell I believe I have seen one. Over time I have
- collected 55megs of text files, 100's of books<from the 1950's to
- present, read all the major books, and you know I still don't have a clue
- as to the entire problem. I still am not sure how deeply envolved the
- government is. But I do know that you people fight alot about this
- stuff, especially when you have to take alot of it on faith. Sure I
- believe Lazar, and I believe what gene huff says, but believe in lots of
- other things also<mj 12 etc..> these things all add together to equal the
- essence of my beliefs.
- Instead of calling each other names and thinking up bullshit theories,
- lets sit down and come up with some real thought. Now you guys may flame
- me, and god knows I'm sticking my neck out but I'm so sick of this "now
- he's an osi agent, or he's a government agent" etc.. its all bullshit..
- if you ever want to know why I think its all bullshit, email me and I'll
- give you all the reasons. I say we talk about meaningful things that
- advance our cause, we search for proof, We are our own worst enemies.
- We need to use a little logic, for example why are the greys grey? what
- does the large black eyes orientated front mean? or the large heads and
- small bodies? think about it..I figured it out, go look in any Physical
- Anthropology text, or Evolutionary Biology text, then we can debate the
- truth..
- if you want to flame me I don't care because you just prove my point,
- plus my life isn't caught out here in Virtual land, I go do research into
- what I believe.
- We must search for the truth, it does not come to us...
- Who is really the jackoff? its like my dad says about the whole ufo
- thing."Why does the government need to use disinformation agents on you
- guys olav? you gusy do a good enough job on yourselves." This coming
- from a Air Force vet. of 17 years with 1 tour in vietnam<cambodia>, and
- many tours in elephant cages located through out turkey. Most of all he
- was a Air Force Office of Special Investiagtions detatchment commander
- for 12 years. It makes me nervious when he told me that...
- Thanx for listening, and bare with the spelling errors<public school
- education<even university>..
- Olav